I met Carson during my Freshman year of college. We actually were on a “field trip” together to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum with some other peeps we were in school with and afterwards, over Indian food, Carson and I became soulmates. Despite living a minimum of two and a half hours (but actually more like 7) away from each other over the past four years Carson was still my Man of Honor in my wedding, and my go-to phone call whenever I need to talk about basically anything (from politics, to complaining about Chick-fil-A not being open on Sundays)
Naturally because of this Carson and John are two of my favorite people in the whole entire freaking world, so when they we’re like “let’s take pictures!” I was like “Hell-to-the-yeah!”. So we headed to Fed Hill to find some good light and we 100% succeeded.
I am still in disbelief over the images we were able to capture in 30 minutes (anything is possible my friends), and I think Carson and John also surprised themselves by how much the session wasn’t like torture.
Fun? While taking pictures? No…. But actually YES!
And they thought they were gonna be awkward… pffff, anything but.

But in the words of LeVar Burton: Don’t take my word for it.
Here’s what Carson had to say about their session: “My partner was a little skeptical about our session, but Sarandon quickly put his anxiety at ease. Sarandon seemed to know where to direct us for incredibly natural but beautiful photos, all the while making us laugh and feel good about the process. Let me tell you, as a gay couple, my partner and I were a little worried about heteronormative posing or expectations during the session, but it was obvious that Sarandon was well beyond that. By being very flexible with what we felt comfortable and natural doing, Sarandon still managed to arrange a variety of dynamic shots. After the shoot, we quickly (THAT NIGHT!) got some preview shots which I was in love with… Then in almost no time at all, we had a whole gallery of beautiful photos that had us totally sold. It was overall a great experience that I can easily say we would do again with Sarandon!”

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